Suggestions To Choose From When Looking For An Argument Essay Topic
When writing an argument essay, you need to be passionate – you need to care about the topic you’re talking about. If nothing immediately jumps out at you, you may need some inspiration. When choosing a topic, there are a variety of directions you can go in. Whether you want to take politics, education, media, relationship or moral related approach, here is a list to give you some ideas:
Political Topics
- Should the death penalty be put into place in all countries?
- Should it be made illegal to smoke cigarettes?
- Is the system of taxing fair?
- Is it better to be left-wing or right-wing in our society?
- Do MPs deserve the pay they get?
Education Topics
- Is the education system fair?
- Is it right that we should have to pay for university?
- Should all children be judged based on exam results?
- Should students be put into sets of ability?
- Is the gap between GCSEs and A Levels too big?
Media Topics
- Should sex appeal be allowed to be used to advertise products?
- Is political propaganda in the media wrong?
- Should all newspapers and magazines be strictly non-bias?
- Has the media gotten worse since the 1970’s?
- Is the media making the youth of today less civilised?
Relationship Topics
- Is it okay to flirt with others while in a relationship?
- Should marriage be taken more seriously?
- Are relationships being ruined by social media?
- Should people wait until marriage to have sex?
- Should children be allowed to start dating before they’re teenagers?
Moral Topics
- Should breastfeeding in public be socially acceptable?
- Should children have a legal curfew?
- Does freedom of speech mean we should be able to use freely hate speech?
- Should it be illegal to test on animals?
- Is torture acceptable under any circumstances?
Admittedly it can be hard to start off an argumentative essay, but once you’ve got a topic you’re passionate about, and you’ve got started, the ideas will flow, and you’ll be done in no time. Remember that this list is just a few ideas, and you can use your imagination to come up with topics that may be much more personally suited to you. There are no limits; you can talk about whatever you want.